Limpopo Developer Ecosystem

Building a sustainable Geek Culture in Limpopo that enterprises mankind

Understanding Limpopo Developer Ecosystem

Tech and Digital Skills Enablement

Limpopo Developer Ecosystem is a localised Geekulcha platform in the Limpopo province seeking to create and enable more growth platforms through localsed Innovation and Creativity. Created in July 2022, the platform helps facilitate and shape the Geek Culture in Limpopo through coordinated sector programmes.

Developers / Innovators in Limpopo are challenged to building solutions that caters for local needs and to ensure an inclusive digital emancitipation.

Why the ecosystem was created

What LPDev Ecosystem constitutes

Channeling and nurturing the skills needed for value-added and long-lasting solutions

The ecosystem has a range of programmes and support mechanisms to help local developers work on solutions needed for current needs of the province

  • Hackathons, mapathons and datathons
  • Innovation test lab facilaition
  • Assistance with access to markets

Consumer-phased solutions are a key focused, new solutions must get into the hands of the users and leverage on models of sustainability. Guidance will be provided to developers.

Smart growing world demands a need to have adaptive proactive capabilities

Skills for the emerging world of technology will be dirve through the Limpopo Developer ecosystem to ensure capacity that will be able to help ever-changing demands.

  • Industry exposure programmes
  • Knowledge management and transfer models faciliation
  • Multi-sector channeled development

Facilitating growth prospects is paramount for the ecosystem's evolution

The Limpopo Developer Ecosystem and partners stand ready to support growth needs of the community towards reaching goals.

  • Career development and alignment
  • STEM careers enlightenment and excitation

Geekulcha Student Society

Building Student and Tech Innovation Leadership is a key priority of the Limpopo Developer Ecosystem

Waterberg TVET College

The first GKSS chapter was led by the leader of Limpopo Developer Ecosystem.

University of Limpopo

Established in 2019, the Geekulcha Student Society at the University of Limpopo has focus on data science


Still in curation and focus building